Friday, February 10, 2006

valintines blah

hi for valintines day all i got was 10 valintines and to cookies.this is for school.there is 22 people in my class and i only got ten.of course most people dont give out valintines.but the least they could do is say hapy valintines day or valintines wishes.oh well i geuss theres allways next year.but im so happy.why arent i mad at them.i dont know but i am excited for redberry.i do hope i can go this year.

the very excited katrina


Nin said...

try not to get to down about it. When you get older you learn that Valentines day is just another day, what a treat that you got 10 valentines! I think that's neat that you weren't mad at your fellow classmates, I bet that's the Holy Spirit living in you, helping you walk humbly and kindly. Keep it up! Look forward to seeing you class tomorrow!

Nin said...

I had Valentine's for all of you this morning in class! And I forgot to give them to you! I'm such a scatter-brain! Sorry! I was so excited to give them out, too bad.....
Blessings anyway, had fun this morn with you :)

Nin said...

ok dude, Valentines'day's is way over.....and I'm the only one hangin out in this comment box, get me out!

Trail Rider said...

I was so soso excited to hear "fat baby" last night!!!
It was a child hood song of mine. I hope the three of you do more acts together in the COTH's!!

Thanks for blessing me!

kittykatrina said...

why is noone writing too me anymore????????