Thursday, July 07, 2005

just got back

hi everyone i just got back from a trip to swan was cool.i was visiting my great uncles and ants.they gave me loots of money.i got $21 just for going to see them.its the fourth day of stevie beeing mom told me that she is doing great.

the tired katrina


Trail Rider said...

Hey, girl! Did you know that my mom is from swan river? My granny "with the cracks" lives there. ( we called her that when we were girls cause she had lots of wrinkles!

I bet you miss your sister...I know that I would! But she will be back before long. They say that absense makes the heart grow fonder.

bless you!

kittykatrina said...

hey there evryone do you all know who the bloggless one is well ill give you a clue she is very importent to our church.

Trail Rider said...

She is just as important as me!