Friday, June 03, 2005

im sick

im sick i might have alergies to pollin or flowers.have you ever felt sick of school i do all the time. i have a class that is so loud they make me loose things like feild trips and art and things like that i hate it.i never get to do things that are fun couse my class is so loud.evry time the teacher leaves the room the whole class gets loud i try to quite them down but they just mock me then when i get angrey the teacher comes in and gets angrey at me for shouting.then i try to not do eneything at all but they get sooooooo loud.people start asking me to shout at time the teacher was just about to leave the room when i asked him if i could put names on the board if they talk or walk around the room.the teacher let me and then he left then people started to perposly get out of thair desk.they though thare pencil across the room so they could get up and get i started putting names on the board but my friends(who were doing it to)started to get angrey at me for putting thair name on the board i dident know what to do then my teacher came back in the room and it ends up they had to stay after school.they were angrey for a bit then they sure if they still rememberd theyed be very mad at me.that happens all the time.bye


Anonymous said...

it's okay to want everyone to behave and be quiet. sometimes it's not okay to be the one to make them do it. you can hardly ever make someone do something but often we can fix how we feel when they do things.

Lani - the flowerlady said...

I've heard about your class, since my son is in it. He's pretty sick of it, too. Life isn't fair is it? An important thing to remember is to continue doing what is right no matter what anyone else is doing, even if it's hard!

firekid said...


andrew + camille said...

Just want to say keep fighting the allergy monster!!

We have another thing in common: I also have hay fever (allergies to flowers, pollen, etc)

It is no fun!

Nin said...

God will honor your heart of obedience! Keep it up girl!
You have an amazing heart of serving. Thank you for all the times you've played with Jonah and made her feel special. She's loves you very much.

Trail Rider said...

stand up for what is right even if your standing alone. I agree with anonymous. You can only take care of yourself and set a good example for others. Try not to let the choices of others bother you too much. Thier choices will get consequences...eventually.

If your making the right choices, be at peace and maybe ask God to help your friends choose right too.
Your a beautiful girl, inside and out! Be blessed